- She often has a foot in both camps. 她经常脚踩两只船。
- She often keeps a foot in both camps. 她经常脚踩两只船。
- He keeps a foot in both camps. 他脚踏两条船。
- He has a foot in both camps. 他脚踏两条船。
- The gun runner has a foot in both camps; he sells arms to both the Arabs and the Israelis. 那个军火走私者脚踏两只船,同时向阿拉伯人和以色列人出售武器。
- The only way to make sure of one's own gain in an argument is to have a foot in both camps. 确保自己在争论中获利的惟一方法是脚踏两只船。
- The gun runner has a foot in both camps;he sells arms to both the Arabs and the Israelis. 那个军火走私者脚踏两只船,同时向阿拉伯人和以色列人出售武器。
- Sooner or later,you'll have to choose between Labour and the Conservatives; you can't have a foot in both camps indefinitely. 你迟早要在工党和保守党之间作出选择,你不能总是脚踩两只船。
- Sooner or later, you'll have to choose between Labour and the Conservatives; you can't have a foot in both camps indefinitely. 你迟早要在工党和保守党之间作出选择,你不能总是脚踩两只船。
- have a foot in both camps 脚踏两只船
- a foot in both camps 两边都支持,脚踏两只船
- keep a foot in both camps 脚踏两只船
- They tried to get a foot in the door. 他们试图加入进来。
- It's difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing. 加入出版界是很难的。
- I saw the impression of a foot in the mud. 我看到泥上面有一个脚印。
- All we want is to get a foot in the door. 我们就想找点门路。
- An inch in an hour is a foot in a day's work . 积少成多
- The river rose a foot in the night. 夜间,江水上涨了1尺。
- Snow, with a foot in both worlds, worried that these two pillars of Western civilization were traveling on divergent paths, threatening to undermine society as a whole. 斯诺踏足这两个世界,担忧西方文明的这两大支柱正在背道而驰,预示着将要破坏整个社会的危险。
- If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup. 讲真话的人应该一只脚踩在马镫里.