- She has a cast in one eye. 她一只眼轻度斜视。
- a cast in one's eye 斜视
- He came running here with a knife held in one hand. 他一手握着刀向这里跑来。
- Below the rim, gourds encircled it-ten to a cubit. The gourds were cast in two rows in one piece with the Sea. 在海边之下,周围有野瓜的样式;每肘十瓜,共有两行,是铸海的时候铸上的。
- One who makes a career in one of the armed forces. 职业军人在武装部队中谋职的人
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- It has the ability to motivate and inspire people as the burning passion can be seen in one’s eyes, leave alone work. 这个演讲表达了黑人和白人团结起来的愿望。马丁拥有梦想,并力排众议。
- Below the rim, figures of bulls encircled it-ten to a cubit. The bulls were cast in two rows in one piece with the Sea. 海周围有野瓜(野瓜原文作牛)的样式,每肘十瓜,共有两行,是铸海的时候铸上的。
- A sleeping berth in one of these compartments. 卧铺这些车厢中的一个睡觉铺位
- By the door stood a man with a knife in one hand. 有个男人站在门旁,手里拿着小刀。
- Opposite,the time appends the kindly smile,good-hearted expression in one’s eyes,ripe mien,sapiential verve to the person who seek the goodness. 时间到底是善良的,还是邪恶的魔术师呢?都不是,时间只是一种简单的乘法,使原来的数值倍增而已。
- By this means the meddlesome woman cast in a bone between the wife and the husband. 这爱管闲事的女人就用这种手段挑起他们夫妻这间的不和。
- The princess is a big apple of this king 's eye. 公主是这位国王的掌上明珠。
- The block is cast in one piece from gray iron or iron alloyed with other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Some blocks are cast from aluminum. 缸体是由灰铸铁或含有镍或铬的合金铸铁整体铸造而成的。有的缸体由铝浇铸而成。
- A pigeon was cooing up in one of the elms. 一只鸽子在榆树上咕咕地叫。
- Now figures like oxen were under it and all around it, ten cubits, entirely encircling the sea. The oxen were in two rows, cast in one piece. 海周围有野瓜(野瓜原文作牛)的样式,每肘十瓜,共有两行,是铸海的时候铸上的。
- Thenovel is cast in the form of a diary. 这部小说是以日记的形式写的。
- A pigeon is cooing up in one of the elm. 一只鸽子在榆树上咕咕地叫。
- The mask was done separately, so the mask was then molded and cast.I then had a cast in plaster of the mask and on top of that I sculpted the helmet in clay. 分开制作好的黏土面具另外翻模用石膏灌注出石膏的面具头像,之后再用黏土在石膏面具头像上雕塑出头顶圆盔。