- ZnO探测器 ZnO detector
- ZnO光电导紫外探测器的制备和特性研究 Fabrication and Properties of ZnO Photoconductive UV Detector
- 热释电型探测器 pyroelectric detector
- ZnO粉 ZnO
- ZnO基 ZnO based
- 2辐射探测器 two pi radiation detector
- T-ZnO T-ZnO
- 烟雾探测器已向我们发出火警警报. Smoke sensors warned us of the fire.
- p-ZnO p-ZnO
- 彗星探测器 comet probe
- 漏洞探测器 flooding finder
- ZnO涂层 zinc oxide
- ZnO粉体 Zinc-oxide powders
- α探测器 α detector
- ZnO微晶 ZnO
- XRD探测器 XRD detector
- ZnO体晶 ZnO bulk crystal
- 面探测器 area detector
- ZnO陶瓷 ZnO ceramic
- CCD探测器 CCD detector