- You're red under the sun. 你在阳光下,你是红色的。
- There is nothing unconquerable under the sun. 世上没有不可征服的东西。
- The diamond shone with every hue under the sun. 这颗钻石在阳光下显得色彩斑斓。
- It gets my goat the way he lays down the law on every subject under the sun. 他对一切事情都独断专行,这一作风使我很生气。
- Where under the sun could I have put my purse? 我究竟会把钱包放在哪里了呢?
- There is noting new under the sun. 像安妮说的:日光之下,并无新事。唉
- Nobody under the sun would buy that car. 确实没有人会买那辆车。
- He makes up every excuse under the sun for her. 他对她捏造各种借口。
- I enjoy lying on the grass under the sun. 我喜欢躺在草地上沐浴阳光。
- You'll suffer heatstroke running about at noon under the sun. 大中午在太防底下跑来跑去会中暑的。
- Something new has been born under the sun. 在阳光普照之下,出现了某种新事物。
- We can do practically anything under the sun. 我们几乎无事不可为。
- When i am under the sun, i'm black. 当我在阳光下的时候,我是黑色的。
- There you could hear every subject under the sun being discussed. 可以听到人们天南地北什么都谈。
- There's nothing new under the sun. 世上无新事(来自《圣经》)。
- Cliff thinks he knows everything under the sun. 克利夫认为他知晓天下事。
- Where under the sun could I have put the purse? 我究竟把钱包放在哪儿了?
- The iron heats up under the sun. 铁在阳光照射下温度升高。
- Then I looked again at vanity under the sun. 传4:7我又转念、见日光之下有一件虚空的事。
- Must have had a person, with you under the sun chasing dragonflies. 一定曾有过一个人,与你共同追逐阳光下的蜻蜓。