- Yao is shutting down Shaq 姚正在击落沙克,击落
- The operating system is shutting down. 操作系统正在关闭。
- The cluster node is shutting down. 群集节点正在关闭。
- The cluster software is shutting down. 群集软件正关闭。
- The server machine is shutting down. 服务器已关机。
- BP is shutting down part of a major oil field in Alaska. 英国石油公司(BP)正着手部分关闭位于阿拉斯加的一个大油田。
- The emergency room is shutting down for want of blood. 急诊室因为血袋不足而必须关闭。
- The service is notified when the system is shutting down. 则系统关闭时将通知服务。
- This device is not enabled because the system is shutting down. 由于系统正在关闭,这个设备没有启用。
- The server could not open a session because it is shutting down. 服务器不能打开一个会话,因为它已经关闭。
- What happens to cluster data when the cluster is shut down? 当集群关闭之后,集群中的数据会怎么办?
- A rollback segment is only online until the instance is shut down. 直到实例关闭后,回滚段才联机。不明白什么意思。
- You go wherever anything is shut down so that you can open it up. 无论你们去哪里任何事情是关闭的以便你们能够打开它。
- I.. BP is shutting down part of a major oil field in Alaska. BP关闭了位于阿拉斯拉的主要油田的一部分。
- The replication operation was terminated because the system is shutting down. 由于系统正在关闭,复制操作被中断。
- Please take immediate action to ensure this rogue web site is shut down. 请立即采取行动关闭该伪冒网站。
- When the runtime stops a background thread because the process is shutting down, no exception is thrown in the thread. 当运行库因为进程关闭而停止某个后台线程时,不会在该线程中引发异常。
- Yao is not a cowboy or a banjo lover. 姚明不是牛仔,也不是乡村歌曲爱好者。
- The LDAP server closed a socket to a client because the server is shutting down. LDAP服务器已将客户端的通讯端关闭,因为服务器正在关机。
- He said Yao is a very nice person. 他说姚明是一个非常好的人。