- Yamaguchi Suekichi 山口末吉(1907-),日本人,实业家。
- Miss Yamaguchi has paid her dues to become a world-class skater. 山口小姐为了成为世界级的滑冰选手而投入了她所有的一切。
- Miyamoto said Yamaguchi's compensation would not increase. 茂敏郎表示山口勉的补助不会因此提升。
- International symposium held at Ube, Yamaguchi , Japan . 台湾大学农艺系、中华农学会、中华农艺学会。
- Yamaguchi, who might have won the battle, elected to go down with the Hirgu. 原可以打赢这一仗的山口,却甘心跟“飞龙号”一起沉没。
- Mr Yamaguchi should report this matter of offence to RIF Central Committee. 山口先生应该把这次被冒犯的事上告到RIF中央委员会。
- Yamaguchi Xiatang village in the black, as "not old-chuen," and famous. 位于黑山口虾塘村,因"不老泉"而闻名。
- Taosheng Li(First Department of Surgery,Yamaguchi University School of Medicine,Japan). 由日本Yamaguchi University Sehool of Medieine,First Department of surgery的李桃生讲师惠赠。
- They were awesome. Kappei Yamaguchi was the funniest. He's a natural at that stuff. 他们都很出色。山口胜平最搞笑。他天生擅长这个。。
- Remarks: Heart-warming townscape sketches of Paris and Hong Kong are depicted by Kiyoko Yamaguchi. 是次展出的巴黎和香港素描,由山口洁子绘画。
- Yamaguchi has a sister peak, graceful shape, Kingston For language, like Meet the guests. 山口有姊妹峰,形态婀娜,亭亭欲语,酷似笑迎宾客。
- Japanese ancient times book quotient association federation - Yamaguchi Pref. branch assignment. 日本古书籍商组合连合会山口県支部所属!
- Kim R, Yamaguchi Y,Toge T,Adjuvant therapy for colorectal carcinoma. Anticancer Res, 2002,22 (4) : 2413. 王振军;万远廉;杨斌;等.;术前短疗程放化疗对进展期低位直肠癌治疗的价值;中国实用外科杂志;2003;23(3):169-170
- Yamaguchi M, Oishi H, Suketa Y. Stimulatory effect of Zinc on bone formation in tissue culture. Biochem Pharmacol, 1987,36:4007. 宋得新;张文治;李兰英;等.;原代人胎成骨细胞体外培养方法的建立
- International Symposium of Food Production and Environmental Improvement under Global Climate Change (FPEI), Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, 1996. 日本农业気象学会中国四国支部1996年度支部部大会,1996。
- In 1499, Yoshitane arrived at Yamaguchi, the capital of the Ouchi, and this powerful family threw its military support behind Yoshitane. 1499年,来到大内家主城山口城的足利义稙获得了这家大名的军事支持。
- Yamaguchi S. and Furuhashi N. “Method and Circuit for Driving Piezoelectric Transformer,” United States Patent, Patent number 6268681, July 2001. 林柏丞,相位控制之压电式背光反流器,国立台湾大学电子工程学研究所硕士论文,2005年7月。
- Tsutomu Yamaguchi had already been a certified "hibakusha," or radiation survivor, of the 9 August 1945 atomic bombing in Nagasaki. 山口勉之前就已被认定为1945年8月9日长崎原子弹爆炸的“被爆者”,意思是辐射幸存者。
- Yamaguchi T., M. Suzuki, H. Kimura, M. Kato (2006) Role of protein kinase C in eosinophil function. Allergol Int., 55(3):245-52. 杨凯雯,2005,九孔血液细胞吞噬作用中辨识受体与蛋白质激脢C讯息传递路径之研究。国立台湾大学动物学研究所硕士论文。
- Yamaguchi san also worried that the name of the school of special support on hearings will make the deaf-mutes think they are helped and looked down. 而山本担心,“特别支援学校”这个名称会让聋人感觉自己由于受到帮助而低人一等。