- Y染色体性别决定区基因 sex determining region of Y chromosome
- Y染色体性别决定区 sex-determining region of Y
- Y染色体上的性别决定区 sex-determining region on the Y chromosome; SRY
- 区 district
- 单倍-二倍体染色体性别决定 haplo-diploid sex determination
- 性别决定区Y sex-determining region Y; SRY
- 染色体 chromosome
- 区号 district number
- Y染色体不分离 Y chromosomal nondisjunction
- 再决定 redecide
- 厂区 factory; mill; plant; works
- Y染色体微卫星 Y chromosome specific microsatellites
- 大区 pergana
- 作出决定 come to a decision
- 他们不愿多触及性别歧视的问题。 They prefer to skate around the issue of sex discrimination.
- 明区 hyalomere
- "确实是的,也许我应该更仔细估算一下旅行费用然后再决定。" "There is that, indeed. Perhaps I should cost my trip more carefully before deciding."
- 常染色体 autosome
- 保存工作区 save workspace
- 这个党的核心成员决定一切。 The hard core in the party make all the decisions.