- Y基大块非晶合金 Y-based bulk amorphous alloy
- Zr基大块非晶合金在过冷液相区的静液挤压塑性变形研究 Characterization of Zr base bulk amorphous alloy deformed in supercooled liquid region by hydrostatic extrusion
- 具有大过冷液相温度区间的Cu基大块非晶合金的制备和机械性能 Preparation and Mechanical Strength of Cu-based Bulk Glassy Alloys with Large Supercooled Liquid Region
- Y基非晶合金 Y-based amorphous alloy
- 锆基大块非晶合金 Zr-based bulk metallic glass
- Zr基大块非晶合金 Zr-based bulk amorphous alloy
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 他被一块砖头绊倒了。 He tripped over a brick.
- 学生们突然放声大笑。 The students broke out in a riot of laughter.
- 那座山里有好几块矿藏。 There are pockets of ore in the mountain.
- 麻口细晶合金铸铁轧辊 grain roll
- 艺术家用一大块粘土开始雕塑。 The artist started with a big lump of clay.
- 电流退火对铁基非晶合金Fe_(78)Si_9B_(13)薄带巨应力阻抗效应的影响 GIANT STRESS-IMPEDANCE EFFECT OF JOULE HEATING IN AMORPHOUS Fe_(78)Si_9B_(13) RIBBONS
- 微合金化元素晶界偏聚与钢的超细化理论研究 The grain boundary segregation of microalloying elements and the ultra-refinement of steel
- 轮船小心地通过大块浮冰。 The ship was nosing a way through the ice pack.
- 非晶碳氢膜的介电谱与分形结构 Dielectric spectra and fraction structure of amorphous carbin-hydrogen film
- 非大环内酯类抗生素治疗空肠弯曲菌肠炎效果观察 Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Nin-Macrolide Antibiotics in Patients with Campylobacter Jejuni Enteritis
- 包晶合金的定向凝固与生长 Directional Solidification and Growth of Peritectic Alloys
- 玛特威锯下一大块冰做读经台用。 Matvey saws out a great piece of ice for a lectern.
- 浅谈非晶合金环氧浇注干式变压器 Discussion on Epoxy Cast Dry-Type Transformer with Amorphous Core