- XYZ视频编码算法 XYZ video coding algorithm
- 视频 video
- 自适应分区DCT/DWT低码率视频编码算法 Adaptive Regional DCT/DWT Video Coding Algorithm for Low Bit-Rate
- 视频编码中帧内预测算法研究及性能比较 Research and Comparison of Intra Prediction Algorithms in Video Coding
- 一种支持视频组播应用的可伸缩性小波视频编码方法 ViCowel: A Scalable Wavelet Based Video Coding Approach for Video Multicast Applications
- CSW编码算法 CSW coding algorithm
- RU编码算法 RU encoding algorithm
- 变码率MPEG-2视频编码的统计特性及数据分割可分级的新方法 The Statistical Characteristics of VBR MPEG-2 Video Coding and a Novel Scalable Data Partitioning Method
- 基于二代小波视频编码算法的实现 Video Code Using Lifting-Wavelet Based on TM
- 容错视频编码 error reslilient coding
- 基于内存优化和启发式深度优先搜索的小波零树图像编码算法 A Wavelet Zerotree Image Coding Method Based on Memory Optimization and Heuristic Depth Finding Strategy
- 立体视频编码 stereo video coding
- 分级编码算法 hierarchical coding algorithm
- 一种基于小波域规则三角形网格运动补偿的可扩展视频编码方法 Highly Scalable Video Codec With Wavelet Domain Motion Compensation Based on Regular Triangular Mesh
- Booth编码算法 optimal Booth coder
- H. 264是国际电联最新通过的新一代甚低码率视频编码标准。 The H.264 is a new generation of video coding standard with the very low code rate that the International Telecommunication Union(ITU) passes lately.
- 语音编码算法 speech encoding algorithm
- 分布式视频编码 distributed video coding
- 二叉树编码算法 binary tree coding algorithm
- 网络视频编码技术 Video coding techniques for networks