- XML存储 XML Saving
- 基于数据库的XML存储技术设计和实现 Design and Realize For The Storage Technique Of XML Based Database
- XML存储策略 XML Saving Strategy
- 可支持XML存储的数据库 XML enable database (XED)
- 当前已有的XML存储方式大致可分为三类:(1)在文件系统中以文件方式存储XML; There are three alternative schemas for storing XML data nowadays: one is to store XML documents as ASCII files in the operating file system;
- 2)研究了基于关系数据库的XML存储技术。 2) We study on XML storage technologies based on RDBMS.
- 但是,底层的XML存储、检索和索引机制造成了XQuery实现的功能、性能和可伸缩性的很大差异。 However, the underlying mechanism for storing, retrieving, and indexing the XML data makes a huge difference in the function, performance, and scalability of the XQuery implementation.
- 另外,在供应链应用领域,XQuery XML存储和检索有可能对加速整个系统的性能发挥重要作用。 Additionally, in the supply chain application space, XQuery XML storage and retrieval has the potential to play an important role in accelerating overall system performance.
- 在需求和技术的驱动下,如何解决基于关系数据库的XML存储和出版是近年来研究人员比较关注的一个课题。 Under the drive of requirement and technology, how to resolve the question of storing XML data by using an RDB and publishing relational data as an XML document is a hotspot.
- 存储食品 to cache food
- 位存储 bit memory
- DAS存储 NAS storage
- NAS存储 NAS storage
- XML架构描述了用于在表单的主数据源中存储数据的结构。 An XML Schema describes the structure for storing data in the main data source of the form.
- 可信存储 Trusted storage
- 采集存储 acquisition and storage
- 状态存储 state storage
- 光盘存储 compact disc memory
- 紧缩存储 compact representation
- 分块存储 division storage