- 测定计算机显示器的X线辐射剂量 Measurement of Levels of X-ray Radiation Emitted From Computer Video Display Terminals
- 医生在穿刺活检过程中不受X线辐射,而病人只有短暂的透视定位。 Doctor during of needle biopsy was not radiated by X - ray , however patient was only performed fluoroscopic localizing of short duration.
- 线 thread
- 微电子装置电离辐射效应中X射线测试仪(近似等于10keV辐射量子)的使用 Use of an X-Ray Tester (is Approximately Equal to 10 keV Photons) in Ionizing Radiation Effects Testing of Microelectronic Devices
- X线辐射 roentgen irradiation; x-radiation
- 在线 in-line
- 中间能级失谐量对Y型四能级自发辐射量子干涉的影响 The Effect of Intermediate Energy Level Offset on the Quantum Interference of Spontaneous Emission in Y-type Level System
- X线辐射量计 photoradiometer
- 光子,辐射量子 photon
- 无辐射量子跃迁 non radiative quantum transition
- X线辐射量子 X-ray photon
- 脉冲X线辐射 impulse x-radiation
- X线人类学 roentgenographic anthropology
- 透X线 Pass through X - ray
- γ射线线辐射 γ-ray line emission
- X线两档 Two X-ray energy modes
- 线辐射 beta radiation
- X线系统 X- ray system
- 氘线辐射 deuterium line radiation
- X线检测 X-ray detection