- X线荧光电影摄影术 cineroentgenofluorography
- X线荧光电影摄影(术) cineroentgenofluorography
- 荧光电影摄影,X线活动间接摄影术 cinefluorography
- 断层摄影术X线 Tomagraph
- X线荧光电影摄影 cineroentgenofluorography
- 乳线X线摄影术 Mammography
- 电影血管造影,心血管荧光电影摄影术 cineangiography
- 离子交换纸富集-X线荧光光度法测定水样中微量银 Determination of Trace Amounts of Silver in Water Samples by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Based on Selective Collection on Ion-exchange Paper
- 镜头背后的人们:电影中的特殊效果和电影摄影术特辑 People Behind The Camera: Featurette on the special effects and cinematography of the film
- X线荧光缩影 reduced roentgenoscopy
- X线荧光(分析)法 x-ray fluorescence method
- 电影血管造影术,心血管荧光电影摄影术 cineangiography
- X线荧光缩影照片 miniature radiograph
- X线荧光间接摄影机 X-ray mirror camera
- 荧光电影摄影术 cine fluorography; cinefluorography
- 直接数字X线摄影术 Direct digital radiography
- 多道X线荧光光谱仪 multichannel X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
- X线活动摄影(术), X线电影摄影(术) radiocinematography
- 立体荧光电影摄影术 stereocinefluorography
- 双能量X线荧光数字直接成像系统及图像分离技术的实现 Digital Fluoroscopy Imaging System with Dual Energy X-ray Image Decomposition