- X线球管取理方法 The method of taking and maintaining X-ray tube takes
- 新型X线球管的研究和设计 Research and Design of a New Type X-Ray Tube
- X线球管损坏故障检修及分析 The Repair and Analysis of X-ray Tube Trouble
- CT扫描机X线球管是否损坏的判断 The Decision Whether the X-ray Tube Damage in CT Scanner
- X线球管 X-ray tube
- 氦X线球管 helium x-ray tube
- 产品脆值的数值计算方法 Numerical Algorithm of Product Fragility
- 二次发射微波电子枪的数值计算方法 Numerical Algorithm of Secondary Emission Microwave Electron Gun
- 可转位镗刀刀片槽参数优化的数值方法 Numerical Algorithm for Optimizing Geometric Parameters of Insert Pocket on a Boring Cutting Tool with Indexable Inserts
- 直角X线球管 right angle x-ray tube
- W型蓄热式辐射管表面温度分布的数值模拟 Numericai simulation on the surface temperature distribution of a W-shaped radiant-tube with regenerative burners
- 摘要本文用X射线衍射法定量分析了水泥水化产物中的钙矾石,得到了较为准确的结果,该方法对研究钙矾石的形成机理和膨胀机理提供了重要的参考依据,具有理论和实际意义。 Ettringite in cement hydration products "Value k" method of XRD and some accurate results were obtained. This method shows practically significant in studying the formation mechanism and stability of ettringite.
- 旋转阳极X线球管 Rotalix tube; rotating anode tube; rotating anode X-ray tube
- 方法:将平阳霉素明胶微球超选择栓塞到兔颈外动脉及其分支,在X线动态监控下,以平阳霉素溶液灌注颈外动脉或在股静脉静滴作为对照,不同时间点取血样测试血药浓度,进行统计分析。 METHODS: BGM was infused into the external carotid artery of dogs by selective artery embolization under the supervision of X ray, Bleomycin solution was infused into the external carotid artery and femoral vein as control, blood samples were tested at different times and analyzed statistically.
- 诊断X线球管立柱 diagnostic x-ray tube stand
- 方法 :4 0例骨关节损伤及椎管狭窄患者均行X线片、CT平扫及三维CT重建检查 ,比较以上三种检查方法 ,评估各自的诊断价值。 Methods Forty cases were examined with the X ray film, CT scan and 3D CT R. To evaluate their diagnostic value, the images of the three methods were compared.
- 钼靶X线球管摄影 radiography with molybdenum target tube
- 方法应用BOSTON公司及BALT公司球囊导管及球囊,在X线电视监视下经右股动脉插管。 在球囊内注入适量等渗非离子造影剂(优维显)闭塞瘘口。 Methods Using Boston Company and Balt Company balloon catheters and balloon, catheterization through femoral artery under fluoroscopy were performed with isosmotic and nonionic contrast agent for displaying the fistula.
- 本文提供了一种估算脉冲宽度及加速管与波导之间耦合度对于直束式驻波加速管X线产额影响的方法,将此方法估算的结果与实验结果进行了对比, A method to estimate the influences of the pulse width and the couplingbetween the accelerating tube and the waveguide of a low energy straight beamelectron standing wave accelerator on the X-ray output is presented. Experimentalresults are compared with the estimated results by this method.
- X线球管横臂旋转指示器 X-ray beam rotation indicator