- X线正影摄片 orthodiagram
- 矫形X线片,透视图,x线正影描记图,正影描记图 orthodiagram
- 高千伏x线摄片机 high-KV X-ray shoot apparatus
- 外踝撕脱骨折的X线摄片方法 X-ray projections for avulsion fractures of the lateral malleolus
- 正在 in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 矫形X线,x线正影描记术,正影描记术 orthoroentgenography
- 片 sheet
- 正 Chinese 1st month of year
- 在线 in-line
- 旋转全影摄象机 cyclograph
- DDR双能量减影对肩胛骨摄片的价值 Value of DDR Dual-energy Subtraction in Scapula Radiography
- 矫形X线术,x线正影描记术,正影描记术 orthoroentgenography
- 数字化摄片 digital radiography
- 矫形X线透视,X线正影透视,x线正影检查 orthodiascopy
- 矫形用X线机,X线正影记录器,正影描记器 orthodiagraph
- X线摄片 X-ray photography
- X线正摄像 orthoradioscopy
- X线胸片架 X-ray chest stand
- X线正摄像术 orthoradioscopy
- X线数字减影机 X-ray digital subtraction angiography