- X线摄影机,X线片 x-ray photograph
- X线片,作X线摄影机 roentgenograph
- X线片的骨骼年龄判定 The bone age estimation with X-ray plate
- 数字X线片 digital radiology(DR)
- X线摄影机 x-ray camera; x-ray photograph
- 骨科X线片 orthopedic X-ray image
- 作X线摄影机 roentgenograph
- 体腔X线摄影机 endoradiograph
- 乳腺X线片 Mammography
- 荧光X线摄影机 photofluoroscope
- X线摄片 X-ray photography
- 定位X线摄影机 punctograph; punktograph
- 钼靶X线片 Mo target X-ray film
- 高压X线摄影机 high tension radio-graphic apparatus
- X线胸片架 X-ray chest stand
- 干板X线摄影机 xeroradiography unit
- X线摄片法 radiologically
- 立体X线摄影机 stereoroentgenograph
- 床边X线胸片 Bed -side film
- 乳房X线摄影机 mammographic x-ray unit