- X线摄影成像系统 X -ray photographic imaging system
- 从伦理审查的角度设计X线摄影成像系统的试验方案 A Scheme Design for Clinical Trials of X-ray Photographic Imaging System from the Perspective of Ethics Review
- 计算机X线摄影系统 computed radiography
- 在线 in-line
- X线数字成像系统(RVG) radiovisiography(RVG)
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 子宫输卵管照相术,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影(术), 子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影,X线断层成像,X线断层(术) tomography
- X线成像系统视频图像自动亮度控制问题分析 Analysis of the Automatic Brightness Controlling for X-Ray Imaging Systems
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影(术), X线断层成像(术), X线断层(术) tomography
- 胃X线摄影 gatric parietography
- 断层摄影术X线 Tomagraph
- 胎盘X线摄影 radiographic xlacentography
- 体层X线摄影 analytical roentgenography
- 双能量X线荧光数字直接成像系统及图像分离技术的实现 Digital Fluoroscopy Imaging System with Dual Energy X-ray Image Decomposition
- 体模X线摄影 phantom radiography
- 体视X线摄影 stereoskiagraphy
- 头颅X线摄影 skull radiography
- 团体X线摄影 mass radiography