- X线影像增强电视装置 X-ray image intensifier TV unit
- X线影像增强 Radiographic image enhancement
- TH7195是一个设计用来驱动7",9"和12"X线影像增强器(XRII)的微处理器控制高压电源。 The TH7195 is a microprocessor controled High Voltage Power Supply (HVPS),designed to drive 7",9" and 12" X-Ray Image Intensifiers(XRII).
- X线影像增强电视 X-ray image intensifier television unit
- 外科X线电视装置 surgical x-ray television unit; unit for surgery, x-ray TV
- 史柯风电视装置(电视光-机械系统) scophony television system
- 在线 in-line
- 谈增强电视教材的创新性与观赏性 On the improvement of creativity and spectacularity of televised teaching material
- 便携式电视装置 man-pack television unit
- X射线影像增强管 X-ray image intensifier
- 儿童股骨头无菌性坏死的骨盆X线影像变化 Changes of Pelvic X-ray Images of Legg-Perthes Disease
- 影像增强电视通道 image intensifier television chain
- 影像增强电视系统 image intensifier television system
- X线电视引导 X - ray television guidance
- 影像增强注射系统的技术进展和使用 Development and application of injector system for medical imaging enhancement
- X线发生装置 X-ray generator
- 基于射线追踪的数字重建影像增强技术 Enhanced Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs Generated by Ray Tracing
- X线人类学 roentgenographic anthropology
- 标线影像 reticle image
- X线两档 Two X-ray energy modes