- X线密度探头 XDP(x-ray density probe)
- X线密度探头探测器 XDP(x-ray density probe)
- X线密度探头(探测器) XDP(x-ray density probe)
- 在线 in-line
- 光密度测定法,X线 Densitometry X-ray
- 氟化锂探测器对带电粒子传能线密度的响应。 Response of Lithium Fluoride Detector to Charged Particle LET.
- 非晶硅X线平板探测器数字影像系统 Amorphous Silicon Flat-Panel X-Ray Detector Digital Imaging System
- X线密度 X-ray density
- 计算机X线片放射密度法 Bone radiography density method with computer- assisted X- my film
- 下表中光栅的排列顺序为,首先是曲率,其次是刻线密度。 The gratings in the following table are ordered first by curvature and second by groove density.
- X线密度法 roentgen densitometry
- 非晶硅平板探测器X线摄影使用价值 The value of the DIT (digital imaging technique) with amorpheus silicon sruface plate detector
- 高线密度 high linear density
- X线人类学 roentgenographic anthropology
- 电场线密度 Density of electric field line
- 透X线 Pass through X - ray
- 短线密度 Short line density
- X线两档 Two X-ray energy modes
- 线密度不匀率 denier irregularity
- X线系统 X- ray system