- X社新正影检查器 orthodiascop
- X线正影检查器 orthodiascope
- 正在 in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 正影检查透视器 orthodiascope
- 器 utensil
- 正 Chinese 1st month of year
- 新正 first month of the lunar year
- 资源管理器 explorer
- 矫形X线透视,X线正影透视,x线正影检查 orthodiascopy
- 拼写检查 spelling
- 新正交系 new orthogonal system
- 血管造影减影检查 Subtraction in conjunction with contrast studies
- 厦门人把农历新一年的正月称为“新正”。 Local Xiamen citizens call the first month of Chinese New Year "Xin Zheng," which means "the new,first month."
- 正本 original
- 正如 be just like
- 死链检查器 Unix training Buy Links Lastest comments
- 正交 orthogonality
- X线影象增强器电视(五) X-ray television with image intensifer (5)
- 正的 plus
- 灌肠社新透视检查 irrigoscop