- X射线计算机体层摄影 X-ray computer tomography
- X线电子计算机体层摄影 CT
- X线计算机体层摄影(CT) X-ray computed tomography (CT)
- 应用X射线计算机图像处理分析不同内固定物材料性能对兔胫骨骨折愈合过程中骨痂含量的影响 Effects of different internal fixations on callus content in tibial fracture healing of experimental rabbits: an analytic study with X-ray images
- 外周定量计算机体层摄影术分析风湿病儿童的肌肉及骨骼状况 Musculoskeletal and functional muscle-bone analysis in children with rheumatic disease using peripheral quantitative computed tomography
- X射线计算机 X-ray computed
- X射线计算机断层成像 X-ray computerized tomography
- 肝体层摄影 Hepatic Tomography
- x射线计算机断层摄影法 x ray computed tomography
- X射线计算机层析成像 X-ray computed tomography
- 体层摄影技术 Tomography
- 工业X射线计算机实时图像分析系统设计 Industry X-Ray Computer Picture Analytical System Design
- 薄层体层摄影 Reconstructoin of thin layer CT scan
- X射线计算机断层摄影装置影像质量保证检测规范 Specification of Image quality assurance test for X-ray equipment for computed tomography
- 夹层体层摄影术 Tomography
- 计算机体层扫描 Computed tomography
- 早期体层摄影术 Tomography
- 电子计算机体层成像 Computerized tomography
- 体层摄影扫描仪 Tomography scanners
- 计算机体层成像(CT) Computed tomography(CT)