- 中国第一台X光诊断机的引进 The importation of the first X-ray diagnostic machine in China
- X光诊断 X-ray diagnostics
- X光诊断机 X-ray diagnostic machine
- 高频X射线诊断机 High frequency X-rays diagnostic machine
- 数字X光机 digital X-ray machine
- 医用X射线诊断机质量控制监测曝光条件的合理选取 Reasonable Selection of the Exposure Parameter for the Quality Control of the Medical Diagnsotic X-ray Apparatus
- 淋巴管X光照片 lymphangiogram
- 临床诊断 clinical diagnosis
- BP机 beeper; pager
- 给某物或某人拍摄X光片。 take an x-ray of something or somebody.
- 爆光 exposure
- 贴标机 labeller
- T-X图 T-X diagram
- 临时诊断 provisional diagnosis
- 原子吸收分光光度计 atomic absorption spectrophotometer
- 纯水机 water purification machine
- X光 X-ray
- NIM机箱 NIM bin
- X光管 X-ray tube
- CAMAC机箱 CAMAC crate