- X光激光实验研究进展 Experimental Investigations on X-ray Lasers
- 毛细管放电抽运软X光激光产生条件的实验研究 Experimental Investigation of Lasing Condition for Soft X-ray Laser Pumped by Capillary Discharge
- 电子束泵浦百焦耳级准分子激光实验研究 Experimental Study on 100 J Level of Excimer Laser Pumped by REB
- 抽运X光激光的台式毛细管快放电装置 A Device in Capillary Discharge Pumped Table-top X-ray Laser
- 几何不对称试件启裂前应力变化的激光实验研究 Laser-experimental investigation of stress variation within geometrically unsymmetric samples before cracked
- 毛细管放电产生软X光激光的稳定输出 Influence of the Inherent Pre-Pulse of Blumlein Transmission Line on Soft X-Ray Laser Pumped by Capillary Discharge
- 气相色谱法测定白酒中的香味组分研究进展 Determination of Flavoring Compounds in Liquor by Gas Chromatography
- 载人航天空间站舱内通风对流换热数值研究进展 Numerical simulation progresses of convection heat transfer in manned space craft cabin
- 淋巴管X光照片 lymphangiogram
- 生物检材中甲基苯丙胺及苯丙胺的分析研究进展 Determination of methamphetamine and amphetamine in biological material
- mCD99L2基因靶向siRNA诱导小鼠A20细胞转化为H/RS样细胞的实验研究 Experiment Study of mCD99L2 Gene Targeted siRNA Transforms the Mouse A20 Cell Line into H/RS-like Cell
- 台式毛细管放电X光激光装置调试实验 Adjustment for a capillary-discharge-pumped table-top X-ray laserLiu Peng, Wang Qi
- 液-液射流雾化的数值模拟与实验研究 Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Liquid-liquid Jet-flow Atomization
- 在2000年,德国的一家医疗成像公司开始在美国销售一种蛀牙探测器用来补充传统的X光和牙医锋利的探针。 In 2000,KaVo,a medical-imaging company in Germany,began selling a simple decay de tector in the United States that supplements conventional X rays and the dentist's sharp explorer probe.
- 管材无凹模冲孔数值模拟与实验研究 Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on No-female Die Piercing for Tube
- 变片距蒸发器性能数值分析与实验研究 Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study on Performance of Evaporator with Combination of Different Fin Pitch
- MRI评价犬颌下腺功能变化的实验研究 Evaluat the Functional Change of Dog Submandibular Gland with MRI
- 类锂铝10.57和15.47纳米X光激光增益研究 Li -LIKE Al XI (10.57 AND 15.47nm)X -RAY LASER GAIN EXPERIMENTS
- HQ管反声消声器的仿真分析及实验研究 Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of HQ Tube Attenuator