- X光剂量仪 X-ray dosage meter
- 本文主要对FJ-369型热释光剂量仪的探头结构原理、主要部件的结构设计作了简要介绍; In this paper a brief description was given to the structure principle of the detector unit and the basic parts for the model FJ-369 TLD reader.
- 光 light
- 方法 使用RGD 3B和UD 5 12A热释光剂量仪、GR 10 0T和GR 2 0 0A元件等进行相关实验分析。 Methods RGD-3B and UD-512A thermoluminescence reader, several kinds of materials such as GR-100T and GR-200A elements were betaken in these studies.
- 昨天我的牙进行了X光检查。 I had an X-ray examination of my teeth yesterday.
- X光 X-ray
- 体模热释光剂量仪 phantom thermoluminescence
- 医生细查了X光照片。 The doctor examined the X-rays.
- 乳腺X射线摄影剂量仪 Mammography dosimeter
- 他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。 He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.
- 他给我作了X光胸透并量了血压。 He gave me a chest X-ray and then took my blood pressure.
- 热释光剂量计在辐射防护及医疗照射检测中的应用 The Application of Thermoluminescence Dosimeter to Measurement of Radiation Protection and Medical Exposure
- RD-98智能型诊断X射线剂量仪的研制 Design of RD-98 X-ray Diagnostic Dosimeter
- 我们将让她作X光透视。 We'll get her X-rayed.
- 光剂量 Light dosage
- X光探伤仪 X-ray fault detector
- 热释光剂量计核查非参考条件下放射治疗剂量学参数的研究 Development of TLD-based quality audit for radiotherapy dosimetry in non-reference condition
- 我去医院照X光片。 I'm going to hospital for an X-rays.
- X光透视仪 X-ray machine
- 热释光剂量片 TLD