- World Wide Web概述 Description of World Wide Web
- 概述 summarize
- 如何验证World Wide Web Publishing服务是否正在运行 How to Verify That World Wide Web Publishing Service Is Running
- 本部分的组织结构基于World Wide Web联合会(W3C)XQuery工作草案规范。 The organization of this section is based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XQuery working draft specification.
- 所有通过WAIS获得的资料也可以通过WWW(World Wide Web)和Gopher获得。 All the information accessible by WAIS is also available to Gopher and through WWW (World Wide Web).
- 请给我概述一下你的新计划。 Give me a broad idea of your new strategy.
- Web服务器 Web server
- 老师概述了人类历史上的里程碑。 The teacher outlined landmarks in the history of mankind.
- Web服务 Web service
- 公司总部委托我负责我们与Wide World Importers的贸易协议谈判。 Corporate headquarters entrusted me with the negotiation of trade agreements with Wide World Importers.
- 向我扼要概述一下选举结果。 Give me the rundown on the election results.
- 一个在屏幕上打印"Hello World!" The following program prints "Hello World!" And a newline to the screen
- 你能把建议的一些细节补充概述一下吗? Can you sketch in a few details of the proposal?
- 用户每次单击按钮时,“Hello World!” Each time the user clicks the button, Hello World!
- 开篇第一章是对主题的概述. The opening chapter gives a general overview of the subject.
- Web .net
- 为Hello World示例程序生成源代码模型 Building a Source Code Model for a Sample Hello World Program
- 公司下年度计画概述. an overview of the company's plans for the next year
- WEB类 WEB class
- 确保已成功生成并运行这个Hello World演练。 Ensure that this Hello World walkthrough has been successfully built and run.