- Poetry"s noumenon and the concept of poetry"s history constituted Shen Deqian"s poetics. 沈德潜的诗学思想主要有诗学本体思想和诗歌史观念两个部分构成。
- Pound’s poetic works include twelve volumes of verse which were later collected and published in Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound, and Personae. 庞德的诗作包括十二卷诗集,后以《埃兹拉 .;庞德早期诗集》,《人物》的书名出版。
- Takeshi Kaneshiro is in his element, wrapping his silken tongue around Zhuge’s poetic musings and meditations, and Tony Leung is dependable as ever as the unflappable Zhou Yu. 在战争面前,小人物是最无助最谈不上命运的,泪就那么下来了,伴着饭桶和胖猪的对话:“胖猪,你回来看我啦。”
- In addition,the writer always values Hou Cun"s poetic theory dialectically.The worth and shortcomings of his poetic theory are both discussed in this thesis. 另外,本文自始至终都以较为客观、辨证的态度评价后村诗论,在充分肯定其价值的同时,也不讳言其中存在的疏漏和不足。
- Exteriorly ,Qianqi’s poetic art is influenced by the great poet Ttaoyuanming,Xielingyu,Xietiao,Wangwei on the poetic meaning ,poetic language and the poetic images . 从外部因素来看,钱起追步陶潜、二谢、王维,在诗歌意蕴、诗歌意象和诗歌语言方面都受到了这些名家极多的影响。
- This thesis, employing the cultural research point of view and the theory of comparative literature, tries to put in order and interpret how Woolf s poetics influence Chinese literature in four parts. 本文从文化研究的视角,运用比较文学的理论,分四个部分对伍尔夫的主要诗学思想及其对中国文学的影响做出梳理和阐释。
- In the period of "May Fourth Movement" Hu Shi s poetic concepts and writings are the origin of New Poetry of China,but his poetic theory and practice are related with Ezra Pound and Imagism. “五四”时期胡适的诗学主张与创作正是中国新诗潮流的起源,而他的诸多诗学理论却是受到了庞德及意想派的影响。
- Then,the author focus on some representative performance and show us how directors present the plays on stages according to different principles to express Chekhov"s poetic ,and rhythm. 在此基础上,以对“诗意”和“情调”的表现为主,通过对几台具有代表性演出的分析,研究导演们按照不同原则对契诃夫戏剧所做的舞台呈现。
- Wordsworth' s poetics 华兹华斯诗学
- He was capable of bringing out an expurgated edition of Wordsworth. 他几乎做得出出版华兹华斯作品的删改本(洁本)。
- Zheng Min’s poetical career is split into two main periods, separated by a literary silence of over 25 years. 郑敏的诗歌创作生涯可以分为两个主要阶段,中间有一段超过25年的创作沉寂期。
- From Chen Yin s poetical works, we can see a lovable, pitiable and "pedantic" image somewhat worthy of respect in a feudal society. 通过陈寅的诗作,我们看到封建社会一位可爱、可怜,还有几分可敬的“书呆子”的形象。
- Byron was contemporary with Wordsworth. 拜伦和渥兹华斯是同时代的人。
- Unlike our precursors who labeled Eliot"s poetical theory "impersonal", we are here trying to epitomize his theory into "empirical", so as to integrate all the three phases of his poetical thinking. 与以往的研究者将艾略特的诗歌理论称为“非个性化”理论不同,我们在综合他前后三个时期的理论观点的基础上将他的全部诗学理论概括为“经验诗学”。
- How do you rank Wordsworth as a poet? 你把华滋华斯列为哪一类诗人?
- These lines are lifted from Wordsworth. 这些诗句是从渥兹华斯那剽窃来的。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他们在气候较暖的地方过冬。
- The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry. 英格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感而创作出他最伟大的诗篇。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英语的复数名词多以“s”结尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 这件套头毛衣洗过多次已缩水了。