- I become JCM army corps member, have to adhere strictly to carry out army corps laws, respect the instruction that tutor order and help and respect other members. 本人成为JCM军团团员,必须谨守遵行军团法规,尊敬导师所订指令,扶助及尊重其他团员。
- Women's Army Corps Member 陆军妇女队成员
- She was commissioned lieutenant in the Women's Army Corps. 她被委任为陆军妇女队的中尉.
- She was commissioned(as a)lieutenant in the Women's Army Corps. 她被委任为陆军妇女队的中尉.
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美国陆军工程兵研究与发展中心。
- One army corps lost two thirds of its transport animals. 有一个军团死掉了三分之二的驮畜。
- ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. 门口的反光池做的一般,个人觉得比林肯纪念堂那个建筑和反光池组合差远了...
- France and Germany agreed to form a joint army corps. 法国和德国同意建立一支联合军队。
- After a long campaign, the Duke of Wallington’s army defeated Napoleon. 经过长时间的战役,威灵顿公爵的军队打败了拿破仑。
- NATO's CENTAG covering the vital East-West German border is attacked. CENTAG is comprised of two Bundeswehr (WG Army) Korp's, two US ARMY Corp's and a Canadian Mech Bde. 北约中央集团军所涵盖的东西德边界要地遭到了攻击。中央集团军包含了两个西德陆军军级单位,两个美国陆军军级单位,以及一个加拿大机械化旅。
- The Ministry of National Defence has recently-died the troops in army corps. 最近国防部把军队编成了兵团。
- Graphical effects occuring when multiple attempts to open a Corp member's hangar has been resolved. 当多个玩家同时打开军团成员机库的时候出现的图像错误问题得到了解决。
- The Ministry of National Defence has recently -died the troops in army corps. 最近国防部把军队编成了兵团。
- Haig's 1st Army Corps served with distinction at Mons and at First Ypres. 黑格的第一集团军在马恩河战役和第一次伊普斯战役中表现出色,赢得了声誉。
- With SSH's army discharge and vacation approaching, fans have become unusually busy. 随着宋承宪退伍的临近和假期的到来,影迷们也变得异常忙碌.
- While vacationing with her mother in Holland, Hitler’s army suddenly took over the town. 当她与她的母亲正在荷兰休假时,希特勒的军队突然占领了那座城市。
- The fifth truth is Any slaughters of civilians were not mentioned in the KMT's army report. 第五个真像是国民党的军事报告里没有提到过任何屠杀平民的事件。”
- Drones will no longer auto-target gang or corp members if that member has been aggressively flagged to you recently. 蜜蜂在队友锁定你的时候不再自动锁定队友或公司成员。
- The commander of the Lord 's army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so. 耶和华军队的元帅对约书亚说:“把你脚上的鞋脱下来,因为你所站的地方是圣的。”约书亚就照著行了。