- Witt代数的q-变形 q-deformed Witt algebra
- Witt代数 Witt algebra
- 广义Witt代数 generalized Witt algebra
- 他对方法的普遍兴趣和他对代数的专门知识组成联合力量。 Here his general interest in method and his particular knowledge of algebra joined forces.
- 素特征域上广义Witt李超代数的自同构群 The Automorphism Groups of Generalized Witt Lie Superalgebras over a Field of Prime Characteristic
- 一种基于泛布尔代数的自整定PID及在纸页定量控制中的应用 Method of Auto-Tuning Parameter for PID Controller Based on the Pan-Boolean Algebra
- 请花一些时间学习布尔代数的基本知识,您的所有代码都将从中获益。 Invest the time to learn the basics of Boolean algebra, and all your code will benefit.
- 非阶化Witt型李代数 non-graded Witt type Lie algebra
- 1995年,Georgia Benkart等构造了Borcherds超代数的量子化包络代数。 In 1995, Georgia Benkart etc. constructed quantum deformations of enveloping algebra of Borcherds superalgebra.
- 代数的Z函数 zeta-function of algebra
- 关于PFI代数的格论性质 Some Properties of the PFI Algebras Relative to the Lattice Theory
- 代数的交叉积 On Semidirect Product of Discrete Groups and Crossed Product of von Neumann Algebras
- (数学)用几何和代数的方法或从属之的。 (math) using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus.
- 零对称BZ-代数的优良部分 The Well Part of Zero Symmetric BZ-algebra
- R0代数的根 Root of R0-algebras
- 李代数的导子 derivations of Lie algebras
- 李代数的解析群 Analytic group of a Lie algebra
- 一类进化方程李代数的构造 The Structure of Lie Algebra for a Sort of Evolution Equation
- 中心单代数的指数 Exponent of a central simple algebra
- 李代数的交叉模 crossed modules of Lie algebra