- 切片Wigner高阶矩谱 slice Wigner higher order moment spectrum
- Wigner高阶矩谱在分析相控阵探地雷达数据中的应用 Analysis of Data by Wigner Higher-Order Moment Spectra Methods for Phased-Array Ground Penetrating Radar
- Wigner高阶谱 Wigner high-order spectra
- Wigner高阶矩谱 WHOS
- 高阶谱 higher order spectrum
- 高阶谱方法 high order spectral method
- 阶谱 hierarchy
- 针对多分量信号Wigner高阶矩谱的交叉项会产生“虚假信号”,结合局域波法,提出了一种抑制WHOS交叉项的新方法。 Local wave method (LWM) could be effectively employed to suppress the interference of the cross-term encountered in processing the multi-component signals through WHOS method.
- 分数阶谱 fractional spectrum
- 阶谱单元 hierarchical element
- 在生态塔中,通常高阶者较少。导致生态塔上下颠倒的可能例外为 In ecological pyramids normally every higher trophic level is smaller. Possible
- 低阶谱模式 low order spectral model
- 王室最高军务官王室的高阶官员,尤指帮助君主处理军事事务的人 A high official in a royal court, especially one aiding the sovereign in military affairs.
- 阶谱六面体矢量单元 Hierarchical hexahedra vector finite elements
- 实Clifford分析中含两个奇点的拟Bochner-Martinelli型高阶奇异积分 Quasi-Bochner-Martinelli-Type High Order Singular Integral with Two Singular Points in Real Clifford Analysis
- 弹性-粘弹性复合结构随机响应的各阶谱矩的计算方法 Calculation of Random Response Spectral Moments of Elastic-Viscoelastic Combined System
- 一位台湾的高阶卫生官员在十月时宣布,台湾无法冒险等待罗氏药厂的正式许可。 A top health official in Taiwan announced in October that the island-nation could not risk waiting for official permission from Roche.
- 高阶求导 higher derivation
- 高阶合并 high order merge
- 高阶矩 higher moment