- Web语义课件库 web semantic-based courseware
- Web语义 Web semantic
- 课件库平台 system of eourseware
- Web语义查询与推理研究 Research on Web Semantic Query and Reasoning
- 课件 courseware
- 库 storehouse
- 课 lesson
- 一个集成Web语义和使用挖掘的个性化模型 A Model of Personalization Integrated with Web Semantic and Usage Mining
- 图库 gallery
- 电子技术CAI课件库的研究 The Study on Electronics CAI Library of Courseware
- 成件库 Produced part library
- 多媒体课件 multimedia courseware
- 飞机典型结构件库 aircraft typical component library
- 课件(教师多媒体教学演示片) courseware
- 对构建人体生理学CAI积件库的探讨 Preliminary exploration into constructing CAI integral base of human physiology
- Web课件 Web courseware
- 面向装配的管线标准连接件库的建立 Development and Research of Assembly Oriented Connector Library
- CAI课件 CAI courseware
- 植物生物学多媒体教学积件库的构建 The Construction of Multimedia Integrable Ware Library for Teaching and Studying of Plant Biology
- PPT课件 PPT courseware