- Web2.0技术体系架构 Web 2.0 architecture
- Web2.0技术学习 learning Web 2.0 technology
- 平面编组调车作业综合控制技术体系架构 The Structure of Comprehensive Control Technical System for the Complanate Marshalling Shunting Operations
- 目前WEB2.0的技术应用主要包括Tag、Blog、RSS和WIKI等,并对WEB2.0技术在图书馆中的应用进行了阐述。 Now the techniques WEB 2.0 uses are mainly Tag,Blog,RSS,and WIKI. The application of these techniques in library is also discussed.
- 我们将介绍IGA网格框架的体系架构,并介绍它的部署模型。 We ll show you the architecture for our IGA grid framework and describe its deployment model.
- WEB2.0技术 WEB2.0 technique
- 基于消息队列和Web服务的分布式系统异步交互方式体系架构 Construct distributed application system base on Web services and message queue
- USB2.0技术 technolgy of USB2.0
- Web2.0应用工具 Web 2.0 application tools
- 哲学体系 philosophy
- 架构设计 architecture design
- 慢病综合防治医学技术体系和镇村一体化建设及其效果评价 On relationship between medical technique system of preventing chronic diseases comprehensively and integrated construction of townships and villages and their effect
- ABC体系 ABC system
- 我们缺少技术工人。 We are short of skilled labor.
- 六年的待业并未使他的技术荒疏。 A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills.
- SMP是HPC采用的体系架构之一,其中有多个处理器会共享内存。 SMP is a type of HPC architecture in which multiple processors share the same memory.
- 他们还得学习现代管理技术。 They need to learn modern management techniques.
- 他们已决定逐步引入新技术。 They have decided to phase in the new techniques.
- 首先,本文对Web2.0社会性标签模型的相关知识、背景与特点做了细致的分析,指出通过这种标签模型,系统将拥有彼此关联的用户信息,形成分析计算的基础数据。 Firstly, the paper analyzes the relative knowledge, background and characteristics of Web2.0 social bookmark model, and points out from this model, system would be able to have useful users'information in order to form the basic data of calculation.
- 他们是技术发展的先导。 They are in the vanguard of technological advance.