- Web编程中MVC模型的应用 Web Development With MVC Model
- 在传统的Web编程中,这通常意味着在每一次往返行程中,与该页及该页上的控件相关联的所有信息都会丢失。 In traditional Web programming, this would typically mean that all information associated with the page and the controls on the page would be lost with each round trip.
- 它实现MVC模型的控制器。 It implements the controller of the MVC model.
- ADO技术及其在Visual C++环境下数据库编程中的应用 ADO and Its Application in Database Programming under the Condition of Visual C++
- 分布仿真系统中MVC控制器的研究与设计 Research and Design of MVC Controller in Distributed Simulation System
- WEB编程 Web programmer
- 智能大厦办公自动化系统中MVC模式的研究应用 Research and Application of MVC Pattern in OAS of Intelligent Buildings
- 在典型的编程中,几乎失去平衡的方面之一是对最终用户体验结果的忽视。 One of the ways typical programming is most out of balance is in its neglect of the results an end-user experiences.
- BP模型的改进算法及其在负荷预测中的应用 An Improved Learning Algorithm for BP Model and its Application to Load Forecasting in Power Systems
- PHP是web编程最好的语言,但其它语言怎样呢? PHP is the best language for web programing, but what about other languages?
- 如果对web编程感兴趣,也可以阅读简明教程。 Section, or go right to the introductory tutorial if you are only interested in web programming.
- 裂缝网络模型的建立及其在任丘潜山油藏中的应用 Establishment of the fracture network model of analogous outcrop and its application in the buried hill reservoir in Renqiu
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的声音说。 "别打断我的说。" 他说。 "Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 那些熟悉面向对象编程中的设计模式的人将注意到观察程序设计模式。 Those familiar with design patterns in object-oriented programming will notice the observer design pattern.
- 制冷系统中冷凝器模型的建立和数值分析 Numerical Analysis and Model Building of the Condenser in the Refrigeration System
- "Inthefamilyway" 是一种老式的表达方式,意为 "怀孕" 。 "In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning "pregnant".
- 半径补偿在编程中的应用 Application of radius compensation in the programming of numerical control processing
- 稳态条件下PN结器件一维模型的数值分析 Numerical Analysis for the One-dimensional PN Junction Devices Model under the Steady-State Condition
- 事实上,使用Visual Studio 2005的Web编程人员利用Windows编程时的相同技能也可以达到很高的工作效率,即使他们对HTML的知之甚少(甚至不了解HTML)。 In fact, a Web programmer using Visual Studio 2005 can be quite productive using the same skills used for Windows programming while knowing very little HTML (or even no HTML).
- 二维心室肌中动作电位传导的数值算法研究 Numerical Algorithm for Conduction of Action Potential in Two-Dimensional Cardiac Ventricle Tissue