- Web服务提供语言 WSOL
- 若要解决此问题,必须使Web服务的语言与Web服务提供者应用程序的语言匹配。 To resolve this condition, the language of a Web service must match the language of the Web service provider application.
- Web服务提供基础结构 WSOI
- 提供语言扩展过程的OPL扩展DLL。 An OPL extension DLL providing language extension procedures.
- 将Web引用添加到当前项目后,可以在应用程序中使用该Web服务提供的任何元素或功能。 After adding a Web reference to your current project, you can use any element or functionality provided by that Web service within your application.
- 为研究者提供语言或文化方面信息的人 One who furnishes linguistic or cultural information to a researcher.
- UI Magic Inc.宣布为BREW开发人员提供语言包 UI Magic Inc. Announces Availability of Language Pack for BREW Developers
- Analysis Services为Web服务提供了广泛的中间层支持。 Analysis Services provides broad middle tier support for Web services.
- 提供语言和文学研究在计算方面应用的协助。 The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing supports the application of computing in the study of language and literature.
- Web服务流语言 web service flow language
- 根据需要,通过电话或面谈为学生与学校导师的会见提供语言方面的协助。 Provide language assistance to students by telephone or in person during the meeting with school counselors.
- Web服务描述语言 WSDL
- Web服务提供者不需要编写特定的代码来支持不同的设备。 No special code needs to be written by the Web services provider to support the different devices.
- Web服务本体语言 OWL-S
- 此Webs Web服务提供可用于SharePoint网站和子网站的方法。 The Webs Web service provides methods for working with SharePoint sites and subsites.
- Web服务安全性语言 WS-security
- Exchange Web服务提供对通过Outlook可用的许多相同数据的访问。 Exchange Web Services provides access to much of the same data made available through Outlook.
- Web服务描述述语言 WSDL
- 每个Web服务类文件中都包含对应Web服务提供者终结点的操作签名。 Each Web service class file contains the operation signatures for the corresponding Web service provider endpoint.
- Web服务编排描述语言 WS-CDL