- Web服务协定 WS-Agreement
- 服务 service
- 如何:在服务协定中声明错误 How to: Declare Faults in Service Contracts
- 双方必须在服务协定开始前先对指标组合达成共识 Metrics must be mutually agreed before even the start of the service agreement
- Web服务图 Web services graph (WSG)
- 演示使用FaultContractAttribute属性在服务协定中指定SOAP错误。 Demonstrates the use of the FaultContractAttribute attribute to specify SOAP faults in a service contract.
- Web服务流 Post office service
- 在已经设计(设计服务协定)并实现服务协定(实现服务协定)之后,就可以配置服务运行时的操作行为。 Once you have designed a service contract (Designing Service Contracts) and implemented your service contract (Implementing Service Contracts) you can configure the operation behavior of the service runtime.
- Web服务池 web service pool
- 实现一个服务协定将会创建一个类,当使用某个地址的绑定对该类进行配置时,该类会满足其实现的协定。 Implementing a service contract creates a class that, when configured with a binding at an address, fulfills the contract it implements.
- Web服务协议 WS agreement
- Web服务事务 WS-T
- 例如,可以使用以下配置来指定服务协定的命名空间和协定名称,也可以指定某个选项以在会话绑定上强制使用。 For example, you can use the following configuration to specify the namespace and contract name of the service contract, as well as an option to enforce usage on sessionful bindings.
- Web服务寻址 WS-addressing
- Web服务通告 WS-notification
- Web服务通知 WS-notification
- 基于Web服务 Web -based services
- Web服务集群 Web service cluster
- Web服务复合 Web service composition
- Web服务探测 Web service detection