- I met Michelle in the summer of 1988 while we were both working at Sidley &Austin a large corporate law firm based in Chicago. 我是在1988年夏天邂逅米歇尔的,我们当时都在盛德国际律师事务所工作,是一家总部设在芝加哥的大型律师事务所。
- The Pet Party is being offered by Shure Pets, a national pet product company based in Chicago. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。那么,在统计领域,究竟有什么样的信息化手段可以采用?
- He can keep his management team and Mars, mindful of its close association, will let Wrigley remain based in Chicago. 他将可留有自己的管理团队,考虑到团队紧密的关系,也会让箭牌总部留在芝加哥。
- The Seventh Circuit is based in Chicago, and Posner has taught at the University of Chicago. 第七巡回区,总部即在芝加哥,波斯纳老兄,亦任教于芝加哥大学。
- He is the principal attorney of Eric F.Greenberg, P.C, a law firm based in Chicago with clients from around the US and the world. 他是主要的律师埃里克楼格林伯格,电脑,一家律师事务所总部设在芝加哥的客户来自美国和世界。
- He was also formerly the Executive Director of CDL Hotel International and Vice President of Finance &Accounting at Hyatt International, based in Chicago. 在叶先生的酒店职业生涯中还包括了担任CDL酒店集团执行总裁以及凯悦国际集团美国芝加哥总部担任财务副总裁等职务。
- Be the weather different in chicago? 芝加哥的天气不同吗?
- We finally traced him to an address in Chicago. 我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。
- We are going to stay in Chicago for two days. 我们将在芝加哥停留两天。
- We're based in Chicago. 我们住在芝加哥。
- Studies by Challenger, Gray &Christmas Inc., an outplacement firm based in Chicago, have found there are more layoffs in the September-December period than any other time of the year. 根据Gray&Christmas公司,一家位于芝加哥的劳务中介公司,Challanger的研究,每年的9-12月期间公司裁员数量要高于其它时段。
- Based in Chicago and comprised of 700 members throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia, the IALD’s role is to set the global standard for lighting design excellence. 在北方和南美洲,欧洲,亚洲和澳洲各处 700个成员建立在芝加哥而且包含,IALD's 的角色是为照明设定全球的标准设计优秀。
- He went to grade school in New York and high school in Chicago. 他是在纽约上的小学,芝加哥上的中学。
- There used to be a military base in the region. 这地区过去有个军事基地。
- She cabled the good news about her arrival in Chicago. 她打电报说她已顺利到达芝加哥。
- My uncle is an engineer and he works in Chicago. 我的叔叔是个工程师,他在芝加哥工作。
- That rock and roll band is very big in Chicago. 那个摇滚乐团在芝加哥很受欢迎。
- We are an international company based in Barcelona, Spain. 西班牙莎拉投资公司是位于西班牙巴塞罗那的国际公司。
- The concert was quite a hit in Chicago. 这场音乐会在芝加哥曾轰动一时。
- Theresa and Charles live in Chicago. 特里萨和查尔斯住在芝加哥。