- War Production Fund 军工生产资金
- How long did you work on the Star Wars production? 你在星战制作部门工作了多久?
- It was directed to cooperate with the president and defense secretaries in stimulating and controlling war production. 它的任务是配合总统和国防部长们推动和控制战时生产。
- Hitler used these prolonged conferences on armsments and war production as an escape from his military responsibilties. 希特勒常常利用这些关于军备和战时生产的冗长会议,作为他逃避军事责任的庇护所。
- Hitler used these prolonged conferences on armaments and war production as an escape from his military responsibilities. 希特勒常常利用这些关于军备和战时生产的冗长会议,作为他逃避军事责任的庇护所。
- Did you get to keep anything from the Star Wars production? 你有留下任何星战制作部门的纪念品吗?
- War production under the planet was seldom slowed down as a result of attack from space, but nowadays much of the system had fallen into disuse and disrepair. 战时地下隧道里的生产并未因为来自太空的袭击而大量减缓,但如今地道系统中有许多地段已陷于空置并年久失修。
- RTHK provides part of the production funding in the form of license fee. 港台以版权许可证形式提供部分制作资金予独立制作公司。
- Finally, in January 1942, the president responded to widespread criticism by creating the War Production Board (WPB), under the direction of former Sears Roebuck executive Donald Nelson. 最后,总统针对普遍的批评于1942年1月建立了战时生产委员会,由美国西尔斯百货公司前主管经理唐纳德·纳尔逊负责指挥。
- new product trial production fund 新产品试制基金
- The War Production Board was created to coordinate the nation's productive capabilities so that military priorities would be met. 政府设立了“战时生产委员会”,来协调全国的生产能力,以保证优先生产军用品。
- The major work for the military representative is to supervise the quality of products and their reception process at the war production factory. 军代表的工作主要是长期工作在军工厂,监督产品的质量以及验收。
- Soviet tanks were officially supposed to be dark green but according to experts, and common sense of war production &weathering, I understand they were actually dark green to various shades of olive. 苏联坦克一般被认为是涂装暗绿色,但通过专家和一些战争出版物,我认为它们实际上是不同深浅的橄榄绿。
- If that is the case, then as I understand the "formula" we will NEVER see any actual "production funds" generated from any T3 funds invested in our portfolios... ??? 那么照我的理解的这个程式,是不是代表我们永远不能正在的从T3购买的股票中获得产品资金?
- Production has stopped still since the war began. 从战争爆发以来,生产就停止不前。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 战争无望在短期内结束。
- The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production. 战争带来的必然结果就是生产力下降。
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。