- 浅析WBS分解结构在国际承包工程中的应用 The analysis of the application of WBS in an international contracting project
- 工作分解WBS work breakdown WBS
- WBS工作分解 work breakdown structure
- 一些化学化合物可以通过加热分解。 Some chemical compounds can be resolved by heat.
- WBS work breakdown structure(WBS)
- 石油在一定压力下加热分解。 Oil is cracked by heating under pressure.
- WBS也就是为了完成项目所要采取的行动及里程碑的清单。 WBS is the list of all activities and milestones to be carried out to complete the project.
- 等离子体的分解 disassembly of the plasma
- WBS法 WBS method
- 三棱镜将光分解成颜色纷呈的光谱。 The prism resolved the light into the colors of the spectrum.
- WBS编码 WBS code
- 我们把脂肪分解为甘油和脂肪酸。 We split a fat into glycerol and fatty acids.
- WBS-RBS WBS- RBS method
- 分馏, 分解蒸馏(法) fractional distillation
- 广义WBS generalized-WBS
- 棱镜分解光。 A prism decomposes light.
- 视图中,单击要将WBS代码更改为字符的任务的“WBS”域。 View, click the WBS field of the task whose WBS code you want to change to characters.
- 把...分解成 analyse into
- 因过度浸泡而变软或分解。 become soft or disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking.