- V形齿圈 V-ring indenter
- 摆动活齿内齿圈齿形误差测量方法研究 Study on the method for measuring the gear profile of internal gear of movable teeth drive
- 直齿锥齿轮的鼓形齿及加工方法初探 Discussion on Drum-shaped Teeth of Straight Bevel Gear and Machining Method
- 用刀在木头上刻V形凹痕 notch wood with a knife
- 多齿整体镶焊修复电铲大齿圈新工艺 New technology -multi -tooth wholly inserted welding for restoring the large tooth ring of a power shovel
- 采煤机镐形齿与刀形齿截割力试验分析 The pick tine and knife tine cut force experimental analysis of coal cutter
- 盘式钻头齿圈强化工艺技术试验研究 The Experimental Study to Strengthen the Gear-Rim of Disk Bit by Sintering Metallurgy Blender to Fix Teeth
- 共轭鼓形齿联轴器传动振动问题综合研究 Research on the Vibration of Conjugate Crown Gear Coupling Train
- 新型齿圈式切焦机在焦炭整粒中的应用 Application of the New-type Coke-cutter with Gear-ring in Adjustment of Coke Size
- 鼓形齿联轴节注油压装及退卸工艺的研究 Research on the preess-fit and dismounting technology for the crown gear in coupling
- 齿状突出物体边缘呈V形的狭小突出,尤指树叶的 A small, notched projection along a margin, especially of a leaf.
- 一种低成本改造设备加工接合齿圈的方法 A Method of Rebuilding Gear Shaper Low-cost for Synchromesh Gear Shaping
- M形齿锯 M-toothed saw
- 在滚齿机上铣削大型内齿圈的工艺装置设计 Processing Unit Design for Milling Large Annulus on Hobbing Machine
- 共轭鼓形齿联轴器多齿接触数值分析与实验 The numerical analysis of the multi-tooth contact in crown gear couplings and its experimental research
- 仅当传动装置和齿圈咬和,才能输出全部功率。 Full power is supplied only when the drive is engaged into the ring gear.
- 长网纸机传动用万向联轴器代替鼓形齿联轴器 Replacing Drum-Type Gear Coupling with Universal Coupling for Driving of Paper Machine
- 回转齿圈 gyration gear ring
- 鼓形齿径向剃齿刀修形量计算及应用结果分析 Modification Calculation and Application Result Analysis of Axial Gear Shaving Cutter to Process Drum-Type Gear
- 柔性齿圈 Flexible ring gear