- Voronoi划分 Voronoi partition
- 质心Voronoi划分(CVT) Multiple AUVs
- 基于加权Voronoi图的安徽省城市影响范围及经济区域划分 Division of Influencing Regions of Central Cities in Anhui Province Based on Additiviely Weighted Voronoi Diagram and Its Economical Regional Planning
- Voronoi图 Voronoi diagram
- 我们根据阅读能力将学生划分等级。 We grade the students according to their reading ability.
- Voronoi分析 Voronoi analysis
- 用圆规划分一个圆 to step off a circle with a pair of compasses
- Voronoi图论 Voronoi diagram
- 地层划分与对比 stratigraphic classification and correlation
- Voronoi蜂窝 Voronoi honeycomb
- 连续划分 successive division
- Voronoi邻域 Voronoi neighborhood
- 把该市划分成三个选区 to district the city into three election districts.
- Voronoi表面 Voronoi surface
- 他们以栅栏划分场地。 They demarcated the lots with fences.
- Voronoi面积 Voronoi area
- 块划分 block-size selection
- Voronoi距离 Voronoi distance
- 凸划分 convex partition