- Vidale-Wolfe广告模型 Vidale- Wolfe advertisement model
- 双头垄断市场中广告模型的混沌动态特性 Chaotic dynamic properties for an advertising model in duopoly market
- 点击付费广告是应用于搜索引擎、广告系统和内容页(如博客)的网络广告模型,在这种模型中,投放广告者只有当广告被点击才向业主付费。 Pay Per Click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on search engines, advertising networks, and content sites, such as blogs, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked.
- 招聘广告 want ad
- Baumol-Wolfe模型 Baumol-Wolfe model
- Wolfe搜索 wolfe line search
- 我的广告得到五处回音。 I got five responses to my ad.
- 百万行广告费一个单位的宣传广告品的费用 The cost of a unit of advertising copy.
- 他有各式各样的模型飞机。 He has all manner of model planes.
- 展台广告 billboard advertising
- 娱乐模型 recreational mode
- 在报纸上登广告 advertise in the papers
- T-C模型 T-C model
- 马戏团满城张贴广告。 The circus placarded the city with advertisements.
- T-G模型 T-G model
- 这些广告令女士们大为反感。 The advertisements were highly offensive to woman.
- T-M模型 T-M Model
- 电视广告促进了他们的销售。 Television advertising boosted their sales.
- TBS模型 TBS model
- 版面广告 space advertising