- VOD视频点播 Video on Demand
- 分布式VOD视频点播系统研究与设计 The Research and Design of Distributed VOD System
- 基于流媒体技术的图书馆VOD视频点播系统的设计 Based on Streaming Media Technology the Library VOD System Design
- VOD视频服务器上节目的存储与调用 Placement and retrieval of video in video server of VOD
- 对丰富的媒体服务的需求,如因特网接入、视频点播、数字电视和IP电话,日日高涨。 Demand for rich media services such as Internet access, video on demand, digital television and voice over IP grows more clamorous every day.
- 视频点播 video-on-demand
- 视频信息应用越来越广泛,其典型代表如网上购物、视频网站、视频点播以及数字图书馆等。 Application of the video information is more and more extensive, such as shopping online, video web, VOD and digital library, etc.
- 本文也将讨论新的增值业务如视频点播(VOD)和按需收视(nPVR)。 New applications such as VOD and NPVR will also be discussed.
- 真视频点播 TVOD True Video On Demand
- 本文提出了一种统一型视频点播(UVOD,Unified-VOD)实施方案。 This paper proposes a VoD solution called UVoD that unifies the existing TVoD and NVoD architectures by integrating unicast with multicast transmissions.
- 准视频点播 quasi-video request program
- P2P视频点播 P2P VoD
- 视频点播技术 Technique of Video on Demand
- JSP视频点播 JSP vedio on demand
- 视频点播系统 VOD system
- 课件视频点播 courseware WebVOD
- 宽带视频点播 broadband video-on-demand
- 广播式视频点播 BVoD
- 交互式视频点播 I - VOD
- 交互武视频点播 I-VoD