- VME-PSI机箱 VME-PSI crate
- 机箱 chassis
- 机箱控制器 crate controller
- 机箱防盗 Chassis Intrusion
- PXI机箱 PXI chasis
- 气密机箱 airtight case
- 机箱面板 case panel
- 台式机箱 desk case
- 电子机箱 electronic box
- 金属机箱 Metallic case
- 电脑机箱 computer case
- 改造机箱 modified chassis
- 加固机箱 reinforced case
- 密闭机箱 sealed electronic cabinet
- 一个用于在线Trigger处理的CAMAC辅助机箱控制器-EBACC EBACC-A CAMAC Auxiliary Crate Controller Used for Trigger Processing and Pattern Analysing
- 各种非标机箱 A variety of non-standard chassis
- 全密封机箱 hermetically sealed box
- A1型机箱控制器 crate controller type A1
- CCD电控机箱 CCD electronic controlling cabinet
- 各种规格型号的标准机箱,防震机箱等,可根据客户要求定做。 All kinds of standard cases, shock-proof cases, and can design and produce according to your requirements.