- You can apply for a VIP card to enjoy discount next time. (2)、您可以办理一张vip卡,以后消费时可以享受相应的折扣。
- Please present this VIP card before entitle the special offer. 享用本店提供之优惠时,需出示此咭。
- Please (show your VIP card and) pay at the cashiers over there. 请您(出示VIP卡),到收银台付款。
- Note: Please present your ADA or VIP card on purchase. 注:购买代币或享用优惠前请先出示安利直销商/优惠顾客咭。
- VIP card holders can enjoy special discount or services at certain stores. 贵宾卡持卡人可以在指定商店享受特定折扣或服务。
- Please hand in the application form to the front desk to get a VIP card. 请将此申请表交到总台领取VIP卡。
- Sorry, no discount. Only a VIP card of our store can have the discount. 对不起,不打折。只有本店vip卡才能享受折扣。
- All you have to do is fill in a registration form and take a VIP card. 您只需要在这里填写一张登记表,再拿一张会员卡即可。
- If you have a VIP card, you can get discount in several merchants in Tianjin. 持有吉祥VIP贵宾卡,您可以在天津很多商户享受优惠待遇。
- This general regulation only applies to Suny Galaxy International Shopping Plaza's VIP card holders. 本章程仅适用于苏宁银河国际购物广场vip持卡贵宾。
- Shopping receipts which have already been used for VIP card applying will not be accepted for accumulated shopping credits activity. 已办领VIP卡的购物小票,不再参加积分活动。
- The shopping credits and customer information within the original VIP card will be transferred into the new card upon VIP level upgrade. 升级后原卡内积分和客户资料转移至新卡内。
- The lost VIP card's customer information, accumulated shopping credits and validity will be transferred into the new card and will still be valid. 补办后的新卡将沿用原卡的客户资料、累计积分和有效期限。
- I/the Company confirm that all information gives is true and complete, and Accept the VIP CARD subject terms and conditions stated overleaf. 以上各项资料均属详实,本人/本公司同意遵守此申请表背面所述的一切条款及细则。
- Any member who has already used the VIP card for discount or credits accumulation in Suny Galaxy International Shopping Plaza cannot apply any VIP card again. 凡在苏宁银河国际购物广场消费时已使用VIP卡打折或累积积分的会员,不能再申办VIP卡。
- Suny Galaxy International Shopping Plaza deserves the editing and termination rights of this general regulation without advanced notifying to VIP card holders. 苏宁银河国际购物广场保留章程之修订权、终止权、最终解释权,无论持卡贵宾是否预先得到通知。
- Pay for your Chinese lessons, landscape painting course, kungfu course or Boland Business Seminar with your Boland VIP Card and enjoy great convenience and discounts. 持博林会员卡,均可享受博林的一切折扣服务,包括支付中文课,国画课,功夫课和商务研讨课。
- At the same time period in 2008 Quanta has been done to investigate vehicle department stores and VIP card salesman, set up my own network so far has sold 16 VIP Gold Card. 同时在08年期间一直在广达汽车百货公司做调查员和VIP卡销售员的工作,通过我自己组建的人员网络至今已销售出16张VIP金卡。
- Various materials, such as PMMA, plastic board, aluminum board and stainless steel board: panel marks, plates, cable marks, VIP card, ID card and employee's card. 各种材质--压克力、塑胶板、铝板、不锈钢板:机器面板标牌、铭牌、电线电缆标示牌、贵宾卡、胸牌、工作证等。
- Please refer to this when your VIP cards enjoy discounts of preferential policies. 此卡享受折扣时请参照贵宾卡优惠政策。