- VC值 value VC
- 温度、VC值及外加剂对碾压混凝土凝结时间影响探讨 Probing into the influence of temperature, VC value and admixture percentage on RCC set time
- 值 value
- 超值 overflow
- 默认值 Windows default
- 最大值 max.
- 不值 not worth
- 充值卡 top-up card
- 插值 interpolation
- 减值 devalue
- 估值 guess value
- 阀值 threshold values
- PH值 pH value
- 残值 recovery value
- 低值易耗品 low priced and easily worn articles
- 幅值 amplitude
- 极值 extremum
- 现值 present value
- 物有所值 good value for money
- 手机充值 cellular phone replenishing