- VBA语言 VBA language
- 语言 language
- 在软件的设计方面,本文采用了建立在AutoCAD平台上的具有强大绘图功能的VBA语言。 With regard to software-design, VBA established on the plarform of AutoCAD and having strong drawing function are applied in this paper.
- 本文通过VBA语言编程,实现了分子亲缘系数矩阵及其逆阵计算的程序设计,提高了数据处理的准确性。 Based on programming of Excel's Macro and VBA, this paper realized the statistical analysis of livestock's numerator relationship matrix and its contra-matrix.
- 语言的 lingual
- 语言文学 language
- 语言能力 the gift of tongues
- 介绍利用VBA语言开发工具 ,实现Excel电子表格到AutoCAD表格转换的工作原理及其具体实现方法 ,并提供程序关键代码 Utilizing VBA developing tool,the operation pri nc iple and concrete implementation method of transforming EXCEL electronic form in to AutoCAD form was realized,and the key code of procedure was offered.
- 汇编语言 assembly language
- c语言
- 语言文字 lang.
- 官方语言 official language
- 语言障碍 language barrier
- 多种语言 multilingual
- 编程语言 programming language
- 身体语言 body language
- 语言支持 language support
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 英语语言文学 English Language and Literature
- 语言环境 language environment