- V94.3型燃气轮机 V94.3A type gas turbine
- M251S型燃气轮机 M251S gas turbine
- M701F型燃气轮机 M701F gas turbine
- V94.3A燃气轮机 V94. 3A gas turbine
- 煤油型燃气轮机燃料 kerosene-type turbine fuel
- 0-3型 type 0-3
- 全自动化的HJ-3型劳动防护用品绝缘性能检验装置的研制 Development of an Insulation Testing Device for Automatic HJ-3 Labor Protection Appliances
- 运动型 motile
- 金牛座60型燃气轮机运行中常见的故障及处理方法 Failure and its treatment methods for Taurus 60 GT in operating
- 板型 mplate
- 3型腺病毒 adenovirus type 3
- 国内首次自患者标本中同时分离的登革2型和3型病毒的鉴定 Demonstration of Simultaneous Infection with Dengue Type 2 and 3 in A Chinese Patient
- 根据实际设备,介绍了日本三菱公司M701F型燃气轮机冷却空气系统的冷却原理和运行方式。 Based on practical equipment, the cooling principle and operation mode of the cooling air system for M701F type gas turbine manufactured by Mitsubishi Coperation in Japan have been presented.
- TK-3型钻机 TK-3 drilling rig
- 以某地区气象条件下GE Frame 6B型燃气轮机为例进行了计算,给出了不同方案的经济分析结果。 Taking GE Frame 6B type gas turbine under meteological condition in one regiion as example, a calculation has been made,and results of economic analysis for different schemes being given.
- 甲3型 Subtype A3
- 介绍了金牛座60型燃气轮机在运行中常见的几种故障,对故障原因进行了分析,并提出相应的解决办法。 This paper introduces several common failures of Taurus-60 GT inoperating process,analyses the reason,and puts innovative methods.
- DJ-3型塔盘 DJ - 3 type tray
- 人3型腺病毒 Human Adenovirus 3
- A-3型松褐天牛引诱剂监测松树主要蛀干害虫林间种群动态研究 Population Dynamic Monitoring of Principal Pine Stem-borers in Forest by A-3 Sawyer Beetle Attractant