- V型骨凿 V-shaped bone gouge
- 圆筒形骨凿在口腔颌面外科的临床应用 Application of cylindrical osteotomes for extraction of bone transplants in oral and maxillofacial surgery
- 心型骨 [机] core metal
- 型的 thysanuriform
- U型骨钉 fracture staple
- V型 v shape
- 持U型骨钉器 staple holder
- V型决 V - block
- V型槽 V shaped notch
- 人猿型骨盘 anthropoid pelvis
- V型塔 V-Tower
- V型架 V shaped frame
- 幼年型骨骺炎 Juvenile apophysitis; Juvenile epiphysitis
- V型镜 V-scope
- V型块 V-block
- U型骨钉打拔器 stapling outfit
- V型墩 V-type pier
- V型角 Angle of V type
- 勒福Ⅱ型骨析 pyramidal fracture of maxilla
- V型铣削 V - milling correction