- V型天窗 V form skylight
- “V”型天窗 V-form skylight
- 气楼型天窗 lantern
- 垂直型天窗占用运行图时间的分析 Analysis of Occupation Time of Train Work Diagram by Vertical Window
- 型的 thysanuriform
- V型 v shape
- V型决 V - block
- V型槽 V shaped notch
- V型塔 V-Tower
- V型架 V shaped frame
- V型镜 V-scope
- V型块 V-block
- V型墩 V-type pier
- V型角 Angle of V type
- V型铣削 V - milling correction
- V型钝体 V dull
- V型夹角 V firing angle
- V型坡口 V groove
- V型网路 V network
- V型刚构 V rigid structure