- The art of Chinese Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam is a form of music popular in the Middle, South and West Asia as well as in North Africa, it exists in 19 countries and regions in the world. 木卡姆,是广泛流传在中亚、南亚、西亚、北非的一种音乐现象。据目前了解,全世界共有19个同家或地区存在这种音乐现象。主要分布在北纬20。至40。、东经95。军两经15。
- Uyghur Muqam 维吾尔木卡姆
- "Korla" is the Uyghur, which means "look. 库尔勒"是维吾尔语,意思是"眺望"。
- The World Uyghur Congress denied the charge. 世维组织否认该指责。
- In Yecheng,most people are Uyghur people and speak Uygur language. 县城几乎都是维族人,说的都是维族语。
- Afterwards,it contacted with Russian,Uyghur,and Kazak cultures. 之后又与俄罗斯、维吾尔、哈萨克文化接触。
- Government's discrimination has led to unemployment problem among Uyghur. 由于政府的歧视政策,造成维吾尔人就业困难。
- We also describe a new method of developing "Uyghur corrector system". 本文从不同的方面讨论了文字校准系统的关键技术问题。
- Uygur Muqam and Arabic Muqam in Persia have their own characteristics and can not be lumped together. 维吾尔木卡姆音乐与波斯阿拉伯玛卡姆音乐各有其特点,不能混为一谈。
- In the afternoon, I attended the local "Muqam" Dolan Cultural Feast and met with five charitable people there. 下午,我又参加当地组织的‘穆塞勒斯’刀郎文化狂欢节,与5爱心人士见面。
- Xinjiang is a multiethnic region, of which the population of Uyghur is approximately one half of the whole. 新疆是一个多民族聚居地区,其中维族几乎占了整个人口的一半。
- More than 2% of Uyghur school children in this area have severe tinea capitis due to this organism and T. verrucosum. 当地超过2%25的维吾尔族中小学生患有严重的头癣,致病菌是堇色毛癣菌和疣状毛癣菌。
- Soul Clap is an all-male group that is also multilingual, rapping in English, Mandarin, Uyghur and Russian. 她们的声音已经那么强,有时听众怀疑她们是真的在唱歌。
- This has to do with the Uyghur way of thinking, diet habits and lexical system of the concept of taste. 这与维吾尔族对立统一地把握事物的思维方式、中世纪维吾尔族的饮食习惯及维吾尔族原有的味觉概念的词汇体系等有着直接的关系。
- In theory the Uyghur region is autonomous, in reality Uyghur is social minority in Xinjian. 在新疆名义上是维吾尔自治区,但是维吾尔在新疆是弱势民族。
- I have not found that in the face of the police, Uyghur people is in a more disadvantageous position than Han. 请原谅,我可没看出来在面对警察的时候,我们的维吾尔族同胞处于比汉族人更不利的境地。
- Half a century ago, only two or three elderly musicians could sing it completely. But now it is widely sung, following the establishment of the Muqam Art Troupe and Muqam Research Office in Xinjiang. 现在,“十二木卡姆”已由半个世纪前仅有两三个艺人能够较完整地演唱,发展到成立木卡姆艺术团、木卡姆研究室,并广泛演唱。
- Uyghur is spoken in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Re gion of China, which adopts Arabic script to write. 我国新疆地区使用的维吾尔文借用阿拉伯文字母书写。
- A massive brawl reportedly broke out between workers of Uyghur and Han nationalities. 维族工人和汉族工人之间爆发斗殴。
- I saw a Uyghur man kick a Han woman in the behind as she tried to get away from the crowds. 少数族群,如维吾尔人抱怨说,他们被视为二等公民,受到主体民族汉族的歧视。