- In future,with the development of environmental management,the HRA should be strengthening during urban land redevelopment. 随着环境管理工作的深入发展,在城市土地置换过程中应逐步加强环境健康风险评价方面的研究。
- Urban Land Redevelopment 市区改造
- A studying on intensive utilization of current urban land. 当前我国城市土地集约利用问题刍议。
- Contract consultants, experienced in soil/groundwater remediation and brownfield redevelopment, to review the remediation plan and land redevelopment plan. 聘请在土壤及地下水整治、污染区域的土地换土后的再发展方面富有经验的顾问来修订其治理计划和土地重新发展计划。
- Houstoun, Lawrence O. "BIDs at Home and Abroad." Urban Land (2002): 42-47. 国内与国外的商业改善区域〉,刊于《都市土地》,2002年:第42~47页。
- On average, in a hectare of urban land, there are two cats and each eats 8 birds a year. 城市每公顷平均有2只猫,每只猫每年吃8只鸟。
- Conversion of the microfilmed land documents of the Urban Land Registry into electronic images was completed in December 1998. 市区土地注册处以缩微菲林保存的土地文件,于一九九八年十二月全部转换为电子影像。
- The Land Registry, comprising the Urban Land Registry and eight New Territories Land Registries, is responsible for registering documents affecting land. 土地注册处由市区土地注册处和八个新界土地注册处组成,负责注册所有与土地有关的文件。
- Classes of Land for Taxation: urban land, agricultural land, forest land, and other land. 根据税收的土地分类:城市用地,农业用地,林地和其他土地。
- In the new stage, factors of urban land value increment have new characteristics. 在新的经济、社会背景下,城市土地增值的影响因素呈现新的特点。
- Douglas M.Wrenn Associate,Urban Land Institute.Urban Waterfront Development.198 3. 张庭伟.;冯晖
- Terry Jill Lassar, Carrots &Sticks: New Zoning Downtown, the Urban Land Institute, Washington D.C., 1989. 吕国隆,地产主导的都市政策研究-以都市设计为手段反应都市政策,国立成功大学都市计画研究所硕士论文,1997。
- The study of land intensive utilization potential evaluation was aim to fully excavate urban land use potentiality. 摘要土地集约利用潜力测算研究是充分挖掘城市土地利用潜力的基础。
- She is a frequent speaker and contributor to both ICSC and Urban Land Institute conferences and journals. 广告商采取行动需要作出决策时信息必须是有用的。
- Urban economy, urban land use, urban inhabitability bring new requirements to urban comprehensive flood control. 城市经济快速发展,城市用地扩张和山水城市建构均对城市综合防洪体系建设提出了新的要求。
- The efficiency of urban land use structure was analyzed by data envelopment analysis (DEA). 摘要利用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对城市土地利用结构效率进行分析。
- ABSTRACT: Ascertainment and optimization of urban land use structure is the hard core of urban planning. 摘要:城市土地利用结构的确定和优化是城市总体规划的核心内容。
- Qujianchaju in charge of the district office of the comptroller, the Urban Land Development Services Center. 分管区监察局、区审计局、区土地城建开发服务中心。
- And SLEUTH model is a useful planning tool to guide sustainable utilization of urban land resources. SLEUTH模型为城市土地资源可持续利用提供了一种有用的规划工具。
- The Land Registry,comprising the Urban Land Registry and eight New Territories Land Registries,is responsible for registering documents affecting land. 土地注册处由市区土地注册处和八个新界土地注册处组成,负责注册所有与土地有关的文件。