- Urban Development Stages 都市发展阶段
- He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council. 他将城市发展建议提交市议会。
- Osaka Prefectural Urban Development CO,.Ltd. 大阪府都市开发。
- The product is in active development stage. 该产品处于积极发展的阶段。
- A:Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. 答:住宅与都市发展部长。
- Department of Housing and Urban Development. 住房及城市发展部
- ABSTRACT: Knowing the development stage of urban agglomeration is a precondition to study it or plan and construct it. 摘要:城市群的发展阶段是研究城市群或城市群规划建设中首先需要搞清楚的一个问题。
- The directions of urban development have been marked out. 城市发展规划已经制定出来了。
- Water pollution has also increased with urban development. 随着城市发展,水污染问题日益严重。
- Different economic development stage will respond to different FCP. 在经济发展不同阶段所采取的外资政策的模式不同,对引进外资的作用也不同。
- MCU emulational system and IC product verify during product development stages. 完成MCU开发验证。
- The first Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was Robert C. 第一任住房和城市发展部部长是罗伯特威弗。
- One vertical and one horizontal urban development aggregation axis? 一纵一横两条城市发展聚合轴
- The product is still at a developmental stage. 这种产品仍处于研制阶段。
- Urban development has led to the ruination of vast areas of countryside. 城市发展导致大片的乡村遭到毁坏。
- The manufacture of fulvous acid by fermentation is under development stage. 利用生物发酵法生产黄腐酸类物质,尚处在开发探讨阶段。
- Since the 1990s modern gemology in China has entered a new development stage. 90年代以来,我国宝石学进入了一个新的发展阶段。
- Since nineties, the jewelry industry has entered a new development stage. 90年代以来,我国的珠宝首饰产业进入了一个新的发展阶段。
- "China Urban Development Network Forum," City Sculpture columns welcome you! “中国城市发展网论坛”城市雕塑栏目欢迎您!
- The position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was created in 1966. 住房与城市发展部长一职设立于1966年。